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Get in touch and we'll be happy to help.
Recommended further reading to support you
in making your decision and staying informed.
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We frequently decontaminate all clinic areas
and equipment as per PHE guidance.
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We are working hard to ensure the safety of staff, patients and anyone visiting our clinic. We have introduced the following precautionary, temporary safety measures:
•    You will not be allowed to enter the clinic without a face mask.
•    You must wear a face mask to attend the clinic.
•    You MAY be able to purchase a face mask from the pharmacy next door to the clinic.
•    Only Parents of the child will be able to attend.
•    Please arrange babysitters for your children. If you must bring them to the clinic with you, they will have to stay in the car with one parent.
•    Please arrive on time. We will not be allowing multiple families in the waiting area, and arriving late will impact other appointments.
•    If you are LATE we will have to CANCEL your appointment. If you are early please stay in you car until your appointment time.


About Circumcision

What is Circumcision?

When boys are born, they have a piece of skin that covers the end of the penis, called the foreskin. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin to expose the tip of the penis.

A newborn must be stable and healthy to be circumcised. If a parent decides to have her baby circumcised, the procedure is usually performed in the baby's first few days of life (assuming the procedure will not be taking place during a religious ceremony). To perform the procedure, the doctor places the baby on a special table and cleans the baby's penis and foreskin. A special clamp is attached to the penis, and the foreskin is removed. Finally, ointment and gauze or a plastic ring are placed over the cut to protect it from rubbing against the diaper.

The procedure is done relatively quickly and smoothly. The baby may cry during the procedure and for a short while afterward. Local anaesthesia can greatly reduce your baby's discomfort.

Making the decision

Circumcision is an elective procedure. It's your choice whether to have your son circumcised. In most cases, there is no medical need for a circumcision. It is not required by law or by hospital policy. Scientific studies show some medical benefits of circumcision, but these benefits are not sufficient enough for the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) to recommend that all infant boys be circumcised. The AAP does recommend, however, that parents should discuss the benefits and risks of circumcision with their paediatrician and then make an informed decision.

Ask yourself why you may or may not want your son to be circumcised. Some parents may want their sons circumcised for religious, social, or cultural reasons. Followers of the Jewish and Islamic faiths have circumcised their male newborns for centuries. Although many newborn boys in the United States are circumcised, it is much less common in Northern Europe and other parts of the world.

Whether or not to circumcise your newborn is an important decision. Circumcision could be riskier if done later in a boy's life, so if you have any questions or concerns, talk with your doctor about them during your pregnancy. Then you'll have enough time to make an informed decision.

General Anaesthetic vs Local Anaesthetic

A general anaesthetic ensures your child is fully asleep and free from any sensation during the procedure. When deciding if you should consider general anaesthetic, the risks should be evaluated. Please refer to this leaflet provided by Alder Hey children's hospital Liverpool, for more information about your child’s general anaesthetic.

Most circumcisions can be performed safely under local anaesthetic eliminating the risk of a general anaesthetic. However, in some children a local anaesthetic is not appropriate. For example a child who is very anxious and gets distressed the procedure will be cancelled and we will advise parents to consider a general anaesthetic. There may be other reasons but you will be advised of these. In all circumstances, we will prioritise your child's safety and well being.

Pros and Cons

Boys who have been circumcised may benefit from:
  • Protection against foreskin infections
  • Reduced risk urinary tract infections (UTI's)
  • Reduced risk of penile cancer
  • A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases
  • Prevention of phimosis and paraphimosis
  • Circumcision generally makes it much easier to keep the end of the penis clean.
  • Further useful information supporting circumcision can be found here.
Here are some of the reasons parents may decide not to have their baby/child circumcised:
  • Surgical risks — as with any surgical procedure, circumcision has some risks. Complications are rare and usually minor, the most common are bleeding and infection.
  • Alteration of penile sensitivity: There is a belief that circumcision decreases the sensitivity of the tip of the penis. However, this hasn't been medically proven as true.
  • Some parents choose not to circumcise their sons if they are worried that their baby/child may feel pain
  • Protection of the tip of the penis — when the foreskin is removed, the tip of the penis may become irritated, causing the urinary opening to become too small. This could lead to urination problems that require medical attention
  • Penile damage due to improper healing, in rare cases the foreskin may be cut too short or too long.
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