We are working hard to ensure the safety of staff, patients and anyone visiting our clinic. We have introduced the following precautionary, temporary safety measures:
• You will not be allowed to enter the clinic without a face mask.
• You must wear a face mask to attend the clinic.
• You MAY be able to purchase a face mask from the pharmacy next door to the clinic.
• Only Parents of the child will be able to attend.
• Please arrange babysitters for your children. If you must bring them to the clinic with you, they will have to stay in the car with one parent.
• Please arrive on time. We will not be allowing multiple families in the waiting area, and arriving late will impact other appointments.
• If you are LATE we will have to CANCEL your appointment. If you are early please stay in you car until your appointment time.
Ring Method
0-12 Years Circumplast/Plastibell Procedure
When boys are born, they have a piece of skin that covers the end of the penis, called the foreskin. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin to expose the tip of the penis. A newborn must be stable and healthy to be circumcised. If a parent decides to have her baby circumcised, the procedure is usually performed in the baby's first few days of life (assuming the procedure will not be taking place during a religious ceremony).
To perform the procedure, the doctor places the baby on a special table and cleans the baby's penis and foreskin. A special clamp is attached to the penis, and the foreskin is removed. Finally, ointment and gauze or a plastic ring are placed over the cut to protect it from rubbing against the diaper.

The procedure is done relatively quickly and smoothly. The baby may cry during the procedure and for a short while afterward. Local anaesthesia can greatly reduce your baby's discomfort
Download Consent Form for Circumplast/Plastibell Procedure (Ring Method) 0-12 Years
Download Patient Information Leaflet for Circumplast/Plastibell Procedure (Ring Method) 0-12 Years Forceps Guided Method
10-16 Years and Above Forceps Guided Method
This procedure is for is for children over the age of 10 years and adults, and will take around 40 minutes.
To perform the forceps guided method, the foreskin is retracted to free the head (glans), a clamp is carefully placed across the foreskin, the foreskin is then removed. After stopping any bleeding, the skin edges are sutured using dissolvable sutures. The wound is then cleaned with antiseptic before a dressing applied. You will be moved to the recovery room where we will provide written aftercare instructions.

View Consent Form for (Forceps Guided Method) 12-16 Years and above
View Patient Information Leaflet for (Forceps Guided Method) 12-16 Years and above